Specialists in Canadian Investors

Why should Managers be interested in
Canadian Investors?

The Canadian institutional investor market is very large and globally minded. These investors are sophisticated, open and transparent.



Canadian institutional investors make up a large market

The Canadian institutional investor market is large and growing, with many significant players

  • Canada is the 5th largest pension fund market in the world, and grew by 4% annually from 2007 to 2017
  • 8 of the largest 100 pension plans in the world are Canadian, and 3 of the top 20
  • 6 of the 10 biggest institutional investors in the world for infrastructure are Canadian (2016)
  • In 2017, Canada was the 2nd largest pension plan investor in alternatives, after US pension plans
  • 203 Canadian investors in PE have a median current allocation to this market of 5.7% of their total AUM. The median target allocation is 7% (in 2018)


Canadian institutional investors are global

Canadian institutional investors are open-minded and global, investing easily abroad



Canadian institutional investors are sophisticated and transparent

The Managers we take to Canada never fail to be impressed by the sophistication and transparency of the Canadian investor market

Over USD 5bn raised

Since 2005, we have raised assets with a
current market value of over USD 5bn